Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Remove The New Autorun.inf Infection Manually..

Here we will discuss how to remove autorun.inf virus which is cause of opening of your drives in separate window when u click on the drive name in my computer or shows up different icons for the drives other than the default..

There is a Trojan/virus (either the Win32/Pacex virus or the Win32/PSW.Agent.NDP trojan) that uses those two files.

Here is how you can get rid of them:
1) Open up Task Manager (Ctrl-Alt-Del)
2) If wscript.exe is running, end it.
3) If explorer.exe is running, end it.
4) Open up “File | New Task (Run)” in the Task manager
5) Run cmd
6) Run the following command del #:autorun.* /f/a/s/q with other drives in turn
where # is replaced by drive name e.g-C, D, E..etc

Be careful with this command it can delete your all data one by one from your hdd if executed wrongly, so place your mouse on x position of cmd prompt windows and if it starts deleting your files close it…

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