Sunday, July 11, 2010

How To Hide Files In Nokia Series 40

You Guys might have faced difficulty in hiding files in Nokia S40 series. Since the platform do not support much softwares only way is to hide files using one or two software’s available and that also can be viewed just by opening the software.
Here in this post i am going to show you a hidden secret for hiding files without any software. so lets begin

1. Go to Gallery

2. create a folder with any name and with a .jad at the end of the name (eg: ”hackersorigin.jad”)

3. Copy the content to be hidden inside the folder

4. Create another Folder with the same name but with .jar at the end (eg: “hackersorigin.jar”) near the previously made folder.

5. After creating this folder the hackersorigin.jad folder with the content to be hidden will not be visible.

6. To retrieve the Hidden folder Just delete or rename the second Folder(say hackersorigin.jar).

7. Enjoy and do comment

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