Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How To Download Files From Mobile Sites On PC

I had seen many wap as well as websites that provide direct download of files but the only problem is that the user must be visiting this site from a mobile phone. One of the best example is xchanger.mobi . The Error page will be as shown below

One of the best way is to use a wap browser for PC. but if u dont have one then here is the way:

1. Copy the Site link

2.Enter www.t9space.com on your browser and wait for the site to load up.

3. paste the link there

4. The Download link will be visible

5. Click the link to download the stuff instantly

Note: This trick is on the basis of making the site belive that we are browsing from a mobile site since T9space is one of the well known Mobile Proxy site it should do the trick.You can use this to download from any Mobile restricted sites.

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