Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Remove camera sounds from Nokia

By default all nokia mobiles have Camera sound. we cannot disable it and every time we hear a nasty sound.. its really make irritation to me.

Recently I found a hacking method to remove camera sound from my N73. Result Great Success.

This work only on your Hacked mobile. its really simple to hack. Read the post.
Installing unsigned application

Why we have to hack. Normally when you browser through xplore. you are not allowed to view files inside SYS, PRIVATE,etc... To view them we have to hack.

After Hacking

-->Open X-plore
-->Goto "Z:\Private\10202be9\101F8809.txt"
-->Copy the file to "C:\Private\10202be9\101F8809.txt"
-->Edit the file "101F8809.txt"
-->At the end of the file, u will find the line

0x7 int 1 0 cap_rd=alwayspass

-->Then change it to

0x7 int 0 0 cap_rd=alwayspass

-->Save the file and exit X-plore
-->Turn off "Warning tones" in ur profile
-->Restart the phone.

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