Thursday, December 9, 2010

Network+ Guide to Networks 5th Edition

Knowing how to install, configure, and troubleshoot a computer network is a highly marketable and exciting skill. This book first introduces the fundamental building blocks that form a modern network, such as protocols, topologies, hardware, and network operating systems. It then provides in-depth coverage of the most important concepts in contemporary networking, such as TCP/IP, Ethernet, wireless transmission, and security. After reading the book and completing the end-of-chapter exercises, you will be prepared to select the best network design, hardware, and software for your environment.

You will also have the skills to build a network from scratch and maintain, upgrade, and troubleshoot an existing network. Finally, you will be well prepared to pass CompTIA's (the Computing Technology Industry Association's) Network+ certification exam. This book explains concepts logically and in a clear, approachable style. In addition, concepts are reinforced by real-world examples of networking issues from a professional's standpoint. Each chapter opens with an On the Job story from a network engineer. These real-world examples, along with Hands-on Projects and Case Projects in each chapter, make this book a practical learning tool. The numerous tables and illustrations, along with the glossaries, appendices, and study questions make the book a valuable reference for any networking professional.

Course Technology
ISBN: 1423902459
912 pages

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